Secondary school: 7th to 10th school year

Secondary school teaching

In addition to deepening the skills and knowledge in the various subjects, the talents, interests and inclinations of the young people should be further discovered and promoted in the lower secondary level. To this end, the lessons are increasingly taught in a project-like manner, focusing on independent work as well as work in small groups.

Another focus is to optimally prepare students for the transition to upper secondary school (Gymnasium, FMS Fachmittelschule, IMS Informatikmittelschule, etc.) and to closely accompany and support them in their career choice and career process.

Pura Vida Privatschule St. Gallen - Schueler hören aufmerksam zu

Bilingual learning environment - English language promotion

The 7th through 10th school year of lower secondary school are designed to prepare students for their post elementary school years. The majority of subjects are taught in German, with care taken to maintain the level of English acquired. To this end, students are offered English courses that include completion of a Cambridge examination (KET / PET / FIRST), thus enabling them to join English-speaking schools.

Day structure/ lunch table

Classes for Secondary I students begin at 08:15 and end at 16:15. Lunch is taken together by the young people.
Wednesday afternoons are free of classes, and classes end at 3:30 p.m. on Friday.

Pura Vida Privatschule St. Gallen - Lernen lernen