is a day school. Classes begin at 08:15, with doors opening at 07:45. Students have class in the afternoons until 15:30 / 16:15, with the option of working until 17:00, accompanied by teachers.
Students have class in the afternoons until 15:30 / 16:15, with the option of working until 17:00, accompanied by teachers.
We start our day together with a group assembly, centered around a thought for the day, a topic or by setting our aims for the morning, followed by a focus on the PURA VIDA core subjects – German, French, English and Math. Our goal is to optimize the students’ academic performance on the given assignments through close guidance. Classes are taught mainly by grade and year, with mixed-class lessons, depending on lesson content.
Fürstenlandstrasse 99
9014 St. Gallen
+41 71 277 05 00