Pura Vida Privatschule St. Gallen - Logo cmyk


Our school premises are located on the ground floor 1. and the first and second floors in the Jakob Schlaepfer building at Fürstenlandstrasse 99. 1. The first floor is shared by the kindergarten and the primary school 2. while the second floor houses the premises for the 7th to 10th school years.

The total area of 2’500 m2 is divided into twelve group rooms, two open learning rooms and a learning room of over 100 m2 with individual learning spaces. Two spacious common rooms and a dining room with kitchen complete the room offer. A newly designed, child-friendly garden, directly accessible from both floors, invites you to linger and learn outdoors.

Come and visit us -
you will be impressed by our learning-friendly environment.

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Pura Vida Privatschule St. Gallen - Räumlichkeiten