Pura Vida Privatschule St. Gallen - Logo cmyk

Polysport winter day

Pura Vida Privatschule St. Gallen - Projekttage
Somewhat delayed by the onset of winter but with good timing as far as snow, ice and cold are concerned, PURA VIDA students throw on warming jackets, gloves, swim trunks and hats to engage in various, athletic activities. While the first group will be at the Lerchenfeld ice rink, enjoying the benefits of frozen water on skates, the others will find themselves on the other side of town at the Blumenwies indoor swimming pool, preferring their liquid form. There, the focus is on jumping in, diving in, and floating/swimming in. The third group also opts for indoor activities and devotes itself to spherical objects in the west of the city, which are thrown (bowling) or hit (miniature golf) to reach their destination as precisely as possible by their thrower or club. Around noon, they meet again at the school, from where the children and young people take the bus home or are picked up by their parents. A successful winter morning thus comes to an end for the time being, to be continued (see report “Ski day in Wildhaus”).

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