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“Challenge & Casino Day” March 2021

Pura Vida Privatschule St. Gallen - Projekttage

The 7th-9th school year had the opportunity to experience a “Challenge & Casino Day” as part of the project days, which were planned and organised independently by a group of 9th graders as part of the module lessons with the support of the teachers. The students were encouraged to come to school in “elegant” clothing on that day. In the morning, the aim was to collect as many points as possible within their groups in various playful and creative activities. In the afternoon – after the popular “Pizza-Plausch” – the kids were allowed to multiply their received play money at roulette, blackjack, poker and dice games – yes, they also learned to put away the one or other defeat – and to spend it again at the kiosk and at the bar run by students for drinks and snacks. Much joy, enthusiasm and luck “was involved” on that day. 🙂

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